Week: 562.4 Guest: Dr. Susan Yanovski, Nat'l Inst. of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Topic: Task force study on weight loss drugs Producer/Host: Steve Girard
NEMA: The word on weight loss drugs...coming up...
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NEMA: The national Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity is giving the thumbs down sign to Dex-fen, fen-phen and redux as a jump start toward weight loss. Dr. Susan Yanovski is a member of that task force.
YANOVSKI: In almost every study, as soon as people stop the drugs, the weight comes back on. And I don't think we should be surprised by that, because medications don't work if we don't take them...
NEMA: Dr. Yanovski sums up the position of the task force....
YANOVSKI: These drugs are not for cosmetic weight loss... the risks just really outweigh the benefits, when people aren't at health risk. That they're not magic bullets, and that they have to be used in conjunction with behavioral treatment, nutrition and physical activity. And that if you're going to use the medication, you're probably in it for the long haul...if you expect the weight to stay off.
NEMA: The task force study appeared in a recent Journal of the American Medical Association. I'm Steve Girard for The Heart of the Matter.
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