Who is the National Emergency Medicine Association
The National Emergency Medicine Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization founded in 1982, committed to trauma prevention and the
delivery of quality medical services at each stage of trauma with and
emphasis on first response at the time of the emergency.
Our Mission
Our mission is the prevention of injury and illness by addressing health
and social issues through education, applied research, technology, and
For more than twenty years, this work has been accomplished through
our special programs including the National Heart Council, National Stroke
Council, Kids Do Matter, National Alzheimer's Council, and Senior
Life. We have become known for our educational health-related materials,
which are free to schools, hospitals, health centers, and a wide array
of social service programs.
"Prevention through Education" is the overall theme that
characterizes the work we do.
Our organization has been on the leading edge of health information.
For example, we began to address such issues as second-hand smoke and
AIDS long before the general media. Also, we provided a grant for the
establishment of the first chest pain clinic in the country. Today, hundreds
are in existence. Additionally, we began to deal head-on with the issue
of youth gun violence (we do not take a stance on guns) long before the
rash of shootings that have created headlines for the past several years.
Most recently a grant from us helped establish the first TIA (Transient
Ischemic Attack) early detection and treatment center in the country.
This will hopefully serve as a model for others throughout the country.
The work of NEMA - Prevention, Education and Direct
Service Provision, is carried out by our special programs
through the production of educational media and through grants that
NEMA awards to organizations throughout the country.
Among many accomplishments, NEMA has successfully
- Helped to establish the first chest pain emergency room in the
country and helped to establish others nationwide. Today hundreds
are in existence.
- Helped to establish the first TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) early
detection and treatment center in the country. This will hopefully
serve a model for others.
- Supported the operation of a medical van for health care to the
poor and homeless.
- Produced the educational video-based program Straight from the
Heart, which provides valuable information about lifestyle changes
that can be made to lower the chance of heart attack before it occurs.
- Given a hospital a much-needed prenatal ambulance
- Helped thousands become certified in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Produced the pocket book, Alzheimer's - Hope Through
Education, explaining Alzheimer's, what we know today and what
steps research suggests that we might take today to reduce the risk
of Alzheimer's.
- Informed millions of Americans about the warning signs of heart
attack and stroke and Alzheimer's, and the importance of healthy
lifestyles and immediate response to trauma.
Among its many concise, informative materials, NEMA
- Produced In A Flash, Fitting In and Choices : three highly acclaimed
video-based educational programs for middle school youth dealing
with such issues as gun violence, peer pressure, bullying, rejection,
eating disorders, self-destructive behavior, etc. These are complete
with an instructor's resource guide, handouts and classroom
- Developed the widely hailed publication, The Little Book of Parenting,
which teaches parenting skills to promote healthy, trauma-free child
development, and includes important reference material. This book
has become so popular that we cannot keep it in stock.
- Developed pocket-sized cards and brochures with important information
about the early risk assessment for Heart Attack, Stroke, and Alzheimer's.
Individuals are encouraged to discuss risk factors with their doctors
and obtain tests as warranted.
- Delivered for fifteen years the award-winning daily radio health
program, The Heart of the Matter.
NEMA awards grants nationally to direct service providers who are working
to prevent trauma and reverse damage due to trauma. These grants
- Trauma Centers
- Community Emergency Squads
- Hospital Heart and Stroke Centers
- Nurses' Association
- Hospitals and Health Clinics
- Rehabilitation Centers
- Doctors
- Community Health Care Stations
To learn more about the types of grants
NEMA has awarded, click here »
To learn how to obtain our educational
resources, click here »
We Rely on You