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Kids Do Matter
Fitting In
In a Flash
In a Flash Activity Book
The Champion in All of Us
The Little Book of Parenting
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Kids Do Matter, a special program of the National Emergency Medicine Association, is focused on safety, parental responsibility, and quality medical treatment for children.

Kids Do Matter has become known for it's dynamic, high quality educational resources that are used by schools, hospitals, parenting programs and service organizations throughout the country. Hundreds of letters have been received giving enthusiastic testament to the value of these resources in addressing important issues facing our children today.

These popular classroom tools include:


The Little Book of Parenting

Parenting is the first and most important variable impacting the health and safety of a young child. Our book is unique in that it addresses a wide variety of important issues parents face in raising children from the infant to teen years.


Please sample the valuable information contained in the section from the book on Kids and Poison.



In a Flash

In A Flash is a short (20 minutes) but powerful educational video-based program that addresses the irreversible consequences of gun violence among youth. Developed, produced and funded by Kids Do Matter, a special program of the National Emergency Medicine Association, the video is targeted to middle school-aged youth.




In A Flash Activity Book

The In A Flash Activity Book is a popular publication for elementary school-aged children, that teaches them in an entertaining manner, what to do if they find a gun or are approached by someone with a gun. It consists of various interactive exercises and puzzles.



Fitting In

Our dynamic educational video on peer pressure.

This up-to-date video provides a fresh perspective on handling peer pressure among middle-school aged students. It is both entertaining and informative.





Choices, the latest in our series of video-based educational resources, was produced in response to teachers' and counselors' requests for a tool to assist them in helping teens cope with some of the common problems they experience in the middle and high school years.




The Champion in All of Us

The Champion in All of Us is an educational comic book with a rich and compelling story. Designed for 3rd and 4th grade students, it is a reading program with character building content. It addresses such issues as resisting peer pressure, coping with teasing, the roles practice and cooperation have on success, and how being unique can be an asset in life.



The broad, long-term objectives of these dynamic educational resources include:

  1. Helping kids get off to a good start in life through instructing parents on an array of issues that impact on the physical and emotional development, health, and safety of children.
  2. Educate youth on positive means of conflict resolution and the dangers of the untrained handling of guns or their use as a means to deal with anger and conflict.
  3. Encouraging youth to openly deal with issues related to peer pressure. Teaching them the dangers of engaging in harmful self-destructive behaviors in an effort to be accepted by their peers.
  4. Providing youth with positive approaches to dealing with many of the pressures and challenges they experience as they grow toward maturity.
  5. Encouraging youth to develop healthy friendships, to be team players, and to respect the rights and appreciate the gifts and talents of others who may be different from them.

While the ultimate goal of our educational resources is to help kids lead safe and healthy lives, these programs help to spark thoughtful insight on the part of children. Perhaps most importantly, they succeed in getting children to talk to each other about important issues so that they do not feel alone and can find positive ways to face and solve many of the obstacles they encounter in growing up.

To learn how to obtain our educational resources, click here »

Support Kids Do Matter

Support NEMA

Kids Do Matter is a special program of the National Emergency Medicine Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We receive no federal funding but are supported exclusively through the generosity of private donors across the country. To find out how you can support our lifesaving efforts, please visit our How To Help page.

Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


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