Do Matter, a special program of the National Emergency
Medicine Association, is focused on safety, parental responsibility,
and quality medical treatment for children.
Kids Do Matter has become known for it's dynamic, high quality educational
resources that are used by schools, hospitals, parenting programs and
service organizations throughout the country.
Hundreds of letters have been received giving enthusiastic testament to
the value of these resources in addressing important issues facing our
children today.
These popular classroom tools include:
The broad, long-term objectives of these dynamic educational
resources include:
- Helping kids get off to a good start in life through instructing parents
on an array of issues that impact on the physical and emotional development,
health, and safety of children.
- Educate youth on positive means of conflict resolution and the dangers
of the untrained handling of guns or their use as a means to deal with
anger and conflict.
- Encouraging youth to openly deal with issues related to peer pressure.
Teaching them the dangers of engaging in harmful self-destructive behaviors
in an effort to be accepted by their peers.
- Providing youth with positive approaches to dealing with many of the
pressures and challenges they experience as they grow toward maturity.
- Encouraging youth to develop healthy friendships, to be team players,
and to respect the rights and appreciate the gifts and talents of others
who may be different from them.
While the ultimate goal of our educational resources is to help kids lead
safe and healthy lives, these programs help to spark thoughtful insight
on the part of children. Perhaps most importantly, they succeed in getting
children to talk to each other about important issues so that they do not
feel alone and can find positive ways to face and solve many of the obstacles
they encounter in growing up.
To learn how to obtain our educational
resources, click here »
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