“The situations presented in the movie, Fitting In, are so common. I liked how the movie portrayed certain decision points and encouraged the courage it takes to be different. It also emphasized that differences should be appreciated, not discouraged. It is very hard for adolescents to make behavior changes they truly believe in that may not be consistent with the group norm. The video offers them support and encouragement for making these difficult decisions. It also emphasizes the importance of good grades and doing the very best that you are able to do.”

Laura Amatea, EdS
Guidance Counselor
Hillcrest Public School
Ocala, Florida

“It will be an excellent addition to use in our character education program.”

Robert E. Jordan
Assistant Superintendent
Greeneville City Schools
Greeneville, Tennessee

“Just a quick line to say the video “Fitting In” is a great one.”

Herman Norris
Assistant Principal
Eveimor High School
Eveimor, Texas

“Thank you so much for providing our school with the video, Fitting In. It is an excellent program, and the students seem to relate very well with the characters portrayed. As a school counselor, I truly appreciate finding appropriate and well-made materials for middle school students (ESPECIALLY for FREE!!).

Heather Sanford
School Counselor
Cloud Peak Middle School
Basin, Wyoming

“ As you are aware, students in the 6th grade are faced with peer pressure everyday. They are likely to continue to experience this pressure. Thank you so much for the opportunity to receive the free video and educate my students on dealing with peer pressure.”

Ken Levering
School Counselor
P.S. du Pont Elementary School
Wilmington, Delaware

“ The information in this video will be perfect for our seventh and eight grade mid-level-program, a group of students who struggle academically and socially.”

Deborah Grow Ruszat
Guidance Counselor
Holdingford Public School
Holdinford, Minnesota

“Your association's video “Fitting In” has been an excellent educational tool in our Youth At Risk programming. I've never had the students I work with be so attentive when watching a so-called video (s) that's good for them. What really impressed me was how well the youth participated in the discussion afterward, (What usually takes thirty minutes lasted ninety minutes.).”

Walter M. Battle
Associate Extension Agent
Agricultural Extension Service
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
Knoxville, Tennessee